For June into July of 2021, a member's themed show titled "Anything Goes!" was on display at Rainbow Stew in Yucca Valley. This was our second show featuring a theme that is open to interpretation by all of our members. This month saw a plethora of entries. Fourteen (14) artists of Chaparral delivered a fabulous array of work, styles ranging from abstract to realism in all manner of mediums.

The "Anything Goes!" show is being featured on many occasions throughout the year in the hopes that an open category will support our adventurous artists tackling the artistic styles that they love. Participants choose what they most enjoy of their works, with no restrictions on the date of creation or number of times they have featured the piece with Chaparral Artists. Keep an eye out on what the Chaparral members are submitting to this unbound theme, you might be surprised! The art was available for purchase through Rainbow Stew until July 14, 2021.

Congratulations to those that sold pieces!

“Abstract” - May '21
Hype Alert: Gubler's Orchids Festival 2021