Officers Needed!

It is that time of year again when new Officers are elected!  Our current board consisting of President Julianne Koza, Vice President Patricia Quandel, Secretary Raini Armstrong, and Treasurer Nancy Miehle have been reaching out to the membership via phone call to come up with a list of nominations for the new year.  Below are the nominations so far.

             Khrysso LeFey
Vice President
             Nancy Kimes
             Raini Armstrong
             Nancy McHenry

If you would like to run for an office, or nominate an interested friend, please call or email Nancy no later than October 13, 2020!

On October 13th you will get an updated list of nominations and we will ask everyone to cast their vote via postal mail or Google Poll (digital means) for our 2021 Officers!

Art Shows Update

Three of our members are showing at Rainbow Stem right now until October 8th - Raini Armstrong, Julianne Koza, and Kim Clements

The Judged Photography show will be held at Rainbow Stew in October. Intake on October 8th and 9th.

The Fine Arts Show will be held at Rainbow Stew in November. Intake days are November 12th and 13th.

We are considering showing members work in December at Rainbow Stew in lue of a Same but Different show. This is our attempt at showcasing members that had previously signed up to share their work at the Presbyterian Church or the Center for Healthy Generations. Because these locations have been closed to public gatherings, we were forced to stop showcasing Chaparral Artists work.

Meetings Update


We are tentatively planning on a December meeting at the Center for Healthy Generations. Please understand that if the Center does not feel comfortable with this, we will have to plan another opportunity for the coming year. For the time being, let's hope for a modified Christmas Party on December 14.

Annual dues are requested by the end of January 2021

Judged Photo - Jun '20
Judged Photo - Oct '20