Group Summer Exhibit - TRANSFORMATIONS

In style, in medium, in mood...

The theme "Transformations" is on display during July and August at the Center for Healthy Generations. It captures the evolution artists experience as creators over the years, working with the mediums they love, expanding into mediums better suited to their imagination. The theme showcases early expressions of budding creativity or highlights the artistic journey and the pivots made along the way. Through the theme of Transformations, we hoped to provide a glimpse into the development of creative artists.

We encouraged our members to share one of their first creations and one of their latest works, emphasizing their unique evolution of style, technique, and spirit. Everyone starts somewhere, and we celebrate the pride in those beginnings while cherishing the creative paths that unfold. We relish the ongoing journey of artistic expression, savoring the diverse destinations we uncovered along the way!

We were thrilled to see some of our members bring in creations from their childhood, to be displayed next to other creations through their life. Some may know that their journey through creativity was greatly experimental, enjoying a multitude of processes, medium, and styles, and maybe still that experimental journey continues. Others may have realized that certain colors remain in their repertoire to this day, and that bold color play remains important in their creative process.

This was the essence of the Transformations theme: a time for our members to share examples of their creative journeys and to share those experiences with others.

Featuring - SUMMER EXHIBIT - Jul & Aug '24
"Floral Explosion" - Jul '24