In July the Chaparral Artists' held a themed exhibition titled "Floral Explosion" at Rainbow Stew in Yucca Valley. This members-only show showcased thirty-five (35) entries from twelve (12) creators.

We enjoy offering themes that are interpretively open to the kinds of submissions that might fit, and though Floral Explosion suggest to members that provide creations featuring flowers, the theme still allows interpretation!

The exhibit was on display at Rainbow Stew from July 13 to August 14 where the walls of the back room were adorned with vibrant depictions. The artwork included newly bloomed flowers, focal subjects surrounded by floral beauty, and the overall joy inspired by such natural splendor was, as hoped, encompassing.

We held a pleasant reception on July 20th, where we enjoyed the company of visitors, shared updates, and planned brief visits to other galleries and summer events.

Featuring - TRANSFORMATIONS - Jul & Aug '24
"Portraits" - Aug '24