This members-only show titled "Celebration" was a themed exhibit on display at Rainbow Stew in Yucca Valley between July and August of 2023.
The members-only displays present themes that are open to interpretation. Color in all of its glory was the inspiration for this Vivid and Bold exhibit. The hope was to brighten the walls with bold and beautiful creations, and we were not disappointed. Subdued scapes have their place in the world and their importance in relaxation, but what we received were energetic pieces.
There was no limit to the age of creations or the type of medium - though we cannot truly accommodate more than one three-dimensional piece during any of our shows because of limited floor space. This installment of "Celebration" received twenty-seven (27) entries submitted by eleven (11) artists in the mediums of acrylics, mixed-media, oils, photography, and watercolor.
As always, we hope you find the exhibit inspiring, and while you are visiting Rainbow Stew, take advantage of the shopping opportunities provided by the very inviting gift shop of unique and hand made local arts, crafts, and curios.
Energy and Joy
This members-only show titled "Celebration" was a themed exhibit on display at Rainbow Stew in Yucca Valley between July and August of 2023.
The members-only displays present themes that are open to interpretation. Color in all of its glory was the inspiration for this Vivid and Bold exhibit. The hope was to brighten the walls with bold and beautiful creations, and we were not disappointed. Subdued scapes have their place in the world and their importance in relaxation, but what we received were energetic pieces.
There was no limit to the age of creations or the type of medium - though we cannot truly accommodate more than one three-dimensional piece during any of our shows because of limited floor space. This installment of "Celebration" received twenty-seven (27) entries submitted by eleven (11) artists in the mediums of acrylics, mixed-media, oils, photography, and watercolor.
As always, we hope you find the exhibit inspiring, and while you are visiting Rainbow Stew, take advantage of the shopping opportunities provided by the very inviting gift shop of unique and hand made local arts, crafts, and curios.