
Date: December 12, 2019
Author: Raini Armstrong

Chaparral Artists enjoyed their end of year Christmas party on December 9, 2019. There was plenty of fantastic food to share, along with a beautiful selection of desserts. There were a plethora of hidden gifts to bid on during the pig-in-the-poke portion of the afternoon. Eleven greeting cards were entered into the card competition, and several members went home with either a Christmas cactus or poinsettia.

I have attended many of the Chaparral Artists end of year parties. I enjoy each and every one of them because they provide an opportunity to spend time with other members and their friends and family. Sometimes, the end of year party offers the perfect excuse for a member to visit when their schedule doesn't typically allow for the monthly second Monday afternoon general meetings. For others, it provides a fun way to share their talents with a craftier focus - the creation of greeting cards. And let's admit it, the pig-in-the-poke event is fun for both gift-givers and bidders! I still do not know what is more fun, the process of devising a cute clue regarding the contents of a bagged or wrapped gift, or opening something you have won! There were some twenty-five gift to bid on during the party, so you can guess that there were many fun notes and hints to enjoy before the bidding began.

This year, Virginia Neal won the greeting card competition with her beautiful merging of handcrafted text and imagery. Of the eleven entries, Virginia's was certainly a favorite, but the options created quite the contest. I especially enjoyed the three different representations of poinsettia!

The 2019 Christmas party was lovely and here is to looking forward to many more!

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