This members-only show titled "An Abundance of Green" was a themed exhibit on display at Rainbow Stew in Yucca Valley between March 19 and April 13.
The theme was most certainly inspired by Saint Patrick’s Day, but of course spring time as well. Already we are feeling that inkling of warmth now and again and we have been reminded of the upcoming season by all of the budding joshua trees at lower elevations and the beautiful thick blooms of Yuccas climbing up the hill from Morongo Valley.
This green themed show was an opportunity to share abstract as well as realism and everything in between. All our artists did was ask, what does an abundance of green mean to them? Flora with smaller pops of other colors, fauna in greens, and manmade scenes, abstracts in greens fit perfectly with this theme. And we saw it all!
There was no limit to the age of creations or a limit to the type of medium - though we cannot truly accommodate more than one three-dimensional piece during any of our shows because of limited floor space. Size limitations were only in place due to the allotted gallery space. This installment of beautiful green saw twenty-eight (28) entries submitted by nine (9) artists. Acrylics, mixed-media, oils, photography, and watercolor.
The Abundance of Green exhibit will be on display until April 13 at Rainbow Stew in Yucca Valley, so stop on in and enjoy! As always, we hope you find the exhibit inspiring, and while you are there, take advantage of the shopping opportunities provided by the very inviting gift shop of unique and hand made local arts, crafts, and curios.
Springtime, renewal, growth, life - abundance
This members-only show titled "An Abundance of Green" was a themed exhibit on display at Rainbow Stew in Yucca Valley between March 19 and April 13.
The theme was most certainly inspired by Saint Patrick’s Day, but of course spring time as well. Already we are feeling that inkling of warmth now and again and we have been reminded of the upcoming season by all of the budding joshua trees at lower elevations and the beautiful thick blooms of Yuccas climbing up the hill from Morongo Valley.
This green themed show was an opportunity to share abstract as well as realism and everything in between. All our artists did was ask, what does an abundance of green mean to them? Flora with smaller pops of other colors, fauna in greens, and manmade scenes, abstracts in greens fit perfectly with this theme. And we saw it all!
There was no limit to the age of creations or a limit to the type of medium - though we cannot truly accommodate more than one three-dimensional piece during any of our shows because of limited floor space. Size limitations were only in place due to the allotted gallery space. This installment of beautiful green saw twenty-eight (28) entries submitted by nine (9) artists. Acrylics, mixed-media, oils, photography, and watercolor.
The Abundance of Green exhibit will be on display until April 13 at Rainbow Stew in Yucca Valley, so stop on in and enjoy! As always, we hope you find the exhibit inspiring, and while you are there, take advantage of the shopping opportunities provided by the very inviting gift shop of unique and hand made local arts, crafts, and curios.