This members-only show titled "FLOWERS" was a themed exhibit on display at Rainbow Stew in Yucca Valley between June 18 and July 13.
The theme lends itself to vibrancy in color and variety in bloom. Many came in stating that the show was gorgeous, best so far, and beautifully colorful. The entries were hung using a salon style arrangement - pieces packed tightly, filling the available spaces. It was a wonder to walk through and I enjoyed the process of hanging the art and being inspired by the creativity I saw.
There was no limit to the age of creations or the type of medium - though we cannot truly accommodate more than one three-dimensional piece during any of our shows because of limited floor space. Size limitations were only in place due to the allotted gallery space. This installment of colorful flowers saw thirty-seven (37) entries submitted by fourteen (14) artists. Acrylics, mixed-media, oils, photography, and watercolor.
The Flowers exhibit will be on display until July 13 at Rainbow Stew in Yucca Valley, so stop on in and enjoy! As always, we hope you find the exhibit inspiring, and while you are there, take advantage of the shopping opportunities provided by the very inviting gift shop of unique and hand made local arts, crafts, and curios.
Floral arrangments, wild nature, blossoms of every color
This members-only show titled "FLOWERS" was a themed exhibit on display at Rainbow Stew in Yucca Valley between June 18 and July 13.
The theme lends itself to vibrancy in color and variety in bloom. Many came in stating that the show was gorgeous, best so far, and beautifully colorful. The entries were hung using a salon style arrangement - pieces packed tightly, filling the available spaces. It was a wonder to walk through and I enjoyed the process of hanging the art and being inspired by the creativity I saw.
There was no limit to the age of creations or the type of medium - though we cannot truly accommodate more than one three-dimensional piece during any of our shows because of limited floor space. Size limitations were only in place due to the allotted gallery space. This installment of colorful flowers saw thirty-seven (37) entries submitted by fourteen (14) artists. Acrylics, mixed-media, oils, photography, and watercolor.
The Flowers exhibit will be on display until July 13 at Rainbow Stew in Yucca Valley, so stop on in and enjoy! As always, we hope you find the exhibit inspiring, and while you are there, take advantage of the shopping opportunities provided by the very inviting gift shop of unique and hand made local arts, crafts, and curios.