This members-only show titled "Same but Different" is one of the most enjoyable themes to present each year. The show offers an opportunity to explore varied thematic groupings, it encourages membership discussion and coordination, and there is plenty of room for self-realization regarding what "Same but different" means to YOU. As an example of the latter, photographers have entered single photographs with their subject reflected in a body of water. Assemblage artists have submitted small hanging sculptures cut to match but decorated uniquely. And as a throw-back to one of the main reasons this theme was born, it provides a space for members to showcase the work they produced during classes with other members - those workshops where all artists are to paint the same subject can be shared as a group during this themed show!
The 2022 Same but Different show was on display at Rainbow Stew in Yucca Valley between November 19 and December 14.
There was no limit to the age of creations or the type of medium - though we cannot truly accommodate more than one three-dimensional piece during any of our shows because of limited floor space. Size limitations were only in place due to the allotted gallery space. This installment of Same but Different combinations saw thirty eight (38) entries submitted in the mediums of acrylics, mixed-media, oils, photography, and watercolor.
Same but Different
This members-only show titled "Same but Different" is one of the most enjoyable themes to present each year. The show offers an opportunity to explore varied thematic groupings, it encourages membership discussion and coordination, and there is plenty of room for self-realization regarding what "Same but different" means to YOU. As an example of the latter, photographers have entered single photographs with their subject reflected in a body of water. Assemblage artists have submitted small hanging sculptures cut to match but decorated uniquely. And as a throw-back to one of the main reasons this theme was born, it provides a space for members to showcase the work they produced during classes with other members - those workshops where all artists are to paint the same subject can be shared as a group during this themed show!
The 2022 Same but Different show was on display at Rainbow Stew in Yucca Valley between November 19 and December 14.
There was no limit to the age of creations or the type of medium - though we cannot truly accommodate more than one three-dimensional piece during any of our shows because of limited floor space. Size limitations were only in place due to the allotted gallery space. This installment of Same but Different combinations saw thirty eight (38) entries submitted in the mediums of acrylics, mixed-media, oils, photography, and watercolor.